2020.11.27 update
Crane =Jack Type and Boom Stage=
When you see this type of truck, do you know they have different specifications depending on the truck?
Although they are the same brand and model, the crane might have different capacities and specifications.
Let's look at them today!
-Jack Type
-Boom Stage
-Tips for Choosing Crane Truck
【Jack Type】
Do you notice what difference between the two units?
Both units are the same tonnage, 4 ton trucks.
The one is a normal jack type, and another one is a high-jack type.
Normal Type
High-jack Type
High-jack type has longer posts, so it can lift the body higher.
That's why this type is adopted to a self-loader mostly.
It is popular among the users who carry the vehicles, while the price of high-jack type is more expensive.
Also, jack has the difference at the bottom. Look at the bottoms of the jack closer.
There are round type and square type.
Square type is more stable to prop the unit because the area of touching the ground is wider.
Square type is attached to mostly 10 ton trucks, and some of 2 ton and 4 ton one. If you like square type on 2 or 4 ton truck, you should check the types.
【Boom Stage】
Crane boom has also various specifications.
Look at the Boom part.
The more boom stages are, the longer boom can extend.
In the pictures, the cranes have 3, 4, or 5 stages from the left one.
The general type is four-stages, so if a boom is over five-stages, the supply amount is a few.
【Tips for Choosing Crane Truck】
What points will be important for you when choosing a crane truck?
Do you think that it is specifications fitted to your purpose of use or price as cheaper as possible?
Depending on what you think, the tips are different.
If you think that specification is more important…
you should consider the following before buying.
1) The purpose of use; loading the vehicles, or loading cargos, etc.
If you load a vehicle, the high-jack type is better and more useful for you.
2) The length of a crane boom
3) The lifting capacity of the crane
If you think that price is more important…
1) It is a better normal type, not a high-jack type.
High-jack type tends to be more expensive in the market because of the high needs.
2) The boom stage is better 3 or 4 stages.
The truck with under 4 stages, you may get a more reasonable price.
3) The smaller lifting capacity is better to get a cheaper price.
If you consider the above things before you buy, they will be helpful for you to decide which unit is the best.
Let's look for Crane Truck right now!!
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