2019.05.18 update
Your car A/C is not working??
It is getting hotter here in Japan and I feel summer is just around the corner. For those extremely hot days, A/C (Air Conditioner) will be your best friend when you drive your car. To avoid the nightmare of traveling with cars broken A/C in a hot summer day, let’s study a little bid about A/C today!
How does the A/C works?
Firstly, let’s see how the A/C produces cool or warm air in the car. A/C cooler and heater work by completely different system.
Cooler: Air conditioner is filled with gas called “Air conditioner gas”. The gas will be liquified by compressing and the liquid coolant will evaporate trying to be back to gas. This reaction is what produce the cool air which is used as cooler system.
Heater: The warm air is produced by the warmed-up cooling water which cools down the engine. Heater system is way more simple than cooler system.
What are the possible reasons behind the A/C cooler malfunction?

1)Check if the A/C gas is filled properly
Most of the cases, lack of gas inside A/C compressor is the reason why the A/C cooler is not working. You can check the remaining amount of A/C gas by “Sight Glass” on A/C compressor while A/C is on. The amount of gas can be checked by the flow of the liquid and the presence of bubbles.
If there are any gas leakages, the repairing cost will be higher than just filling up the gas, so we recommend that you give a daily maintenance or check-ups and prevent any serious problems to be caused in advance.
2) Check the A/C Compressor
If the A/C gas has already filled up but the A/C still does not work properly, A/C compressor may have a problem. In that case, replacement of A/C compressor will be required. The longevity of A/C compressor is said about 5-10 years. (It depends on the usage condition, parts durability, etc.)
How can we maintain the A/C compressor?
A/C compressor tends to get a problem easily if you do not use the cooler frequently. If the A/C cooler has not used for a long time, the gas gets coagulated, and it causes the damage of compressor. Driving frequently and using the cooler regularly will be one of the solutions for keeping the A/C work for longer time.

We are open for brand-new A/C compressor dealership!
Yamada Sharyo now sells brand-new A/C compressor for bulk buyers in the world. Please check the link below for the details of the products and minimum order quantity etc.
Auto parts are available!
*We are not taking personal orders at the moment.

If you have any question, please do not hesitate to contact us.:
Even though A/C compressors are consumption articles and have to be replaced once in a while, you can maximize their longevity by providing them a proper maintenance. Enjoy your summer driving with your nicely working air conditioner!
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