2018.08.24 update
Let’s become a specialist for truck bodies!
There are so many kinds of truck body types recently, and each of them have different usage. Today we would like to talk what kind of body types they have, and how to check the specification you need for some of them.
Van Body
Recently van bodies are mostly made of aluminum, as this material is light, and we can get more loading capacity. This body type is used more for small trucks than big ones like 10 ton trucks. There are several types of van body depending on what you are going to carry. Mostly Acacia wood is used for the flooring, but when it comes to carry food, bamboo flooring becomes a majority. This is because bamboos are breathable material, have Antimicrobial resistance system, and also have deodorant system, so it is very suitable for carrying food, or ingredients.

Van body stocks:
Crane truck (Boom truck)
This kind of truck has many ways of calling. We normally call them “Cargo with Crane”, and some call “Crane truck” or “Boom truck”. I guess these are the most major names. There are some tips when you look for crane trucks.
In Japan, there are 2 big makes for cranes, which are FURUKAWA (UNIC) and TADANO. Those crane trucks can be categorized into small, medium and big trucks, and you can choose depending on your needs for the capacity or what you will carry. As many of you know, crane has “BOOM” and “OUTRIGGER”. If outrigger can overhang longer, it means your crane can carry heavier cargos.

Also the lifting capacity differs depending on how many sections the crane has. Here is an example of how you can check the capacity by looking the crane itself and model of the crane.
Model : URU343 = 3 section crane (Please see last number 343)
Model : UR334 = 4 section crane (Please see last number 344)
Model : TM-ZF303 = 3 section crane (Please see last number 303)
Model : TM-Z304 = 4 section crane (Please see last number 304)
This rule will be applied to most of the crane makers, so now you know how to check the crane capacity by its model.
Now, this is how you check by actual crane.

This model is URA343, so it is 3 section crane. This might not be too clear but this is how you can check by actual unit!
Reefer Van (Refrigerated Van)
Reefer van is used to transport cold chain products, such as fresh vegetables, meat, fish and medicines. There are several reefer bodies with different temperatures for what you carry, so here are some examples.
Cool Van = They don’t have motor for refrigerator, however, the body is made with very thick material, same as refrigerated van, and keep the inner temperature cooler than outside temperature. We use these trucks to carry vegetables, sweets, non-cooked noodles etc.
Refrigerated van / Freezer van= These can change the inner body temperature for what you carry. Some of the body has setting with -5℃ to +25℃, others has -30℃ to +5℃, so you can change the temperature depending on what you will be carrying. If you want to carry ice cream, the setting temperature will be around -25℃, if it is frozen food (ready made food), it will be around -15℃, and frozen fish and meat are ideal to be carried in temperature of -5℃.
We have variety of other body types as well. Please send us inquiry and let us know if you want to know about other specific body in details!
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