2019.08.23 update
ALL ABOUT Vibratory Roller Compaction Equipment
Vibratory rollers are widely used for compaction of coarse-grained soil or gravely soil. Selection of vibratory soil compactor is the most important factor in raising up the level of efficiency of soil for the construction of a strong building. For example, granular soils need vibratory rollers or plates. While for cohesive soils, a pad-foot vibratory roller or a rammer is most preferable.
Compaction of the soil is able to be done by various methods like static, impact, kneading and rolling. Rolling can be done by using different types of roller equipment.
Rolling effect – a heavy cylinder is rolled over the surface of the soil. It is commonly used on sports pitches. Roller-compactors are often fitted with vibratory devices to enhance their effectiveness. Also increasing the density and soil bearing capacity of the soil.
What is Compaction? Why is it Required?
In the case of vibrating rollers, vibrations are generated by one or more eccentric weights rotating on one shaft, centered at the drum. Changing the size of the weights, it is possible to generate different amplitude. With this type of system, the drum will vibrate in revolving motion generating circular amplitude. Density results from vibration generated by vibrating drum hitting the ground. For vibratory compactors, working speed of 2.0 to 6.0 km/h will provide the best results and the machine should be able to move forward and reverse with vibration which will achieve higher results.
01. Towed Vibratory Roller:
The weight of the Roller ranges from 4.0 – 6.0 ton but there is heavy duty roller weighing even 15 ton which can be towed by the tractor or shovel. With the help of the heavy roller, the layer depth to be compacted and output can be increased.

02. Self Propelled Roller:
Self-propelled roller has a steel drum and two tires at the rear end. The weight of the roller varying from 8.0 – 12.0 ton. Roller can be ballasted by water, wet sand or steel. The drum drive is provided with the hydraulic motor which provides tractive force.

03. Tandem Vibratory Roller:
Tandem vibratory rollers have two steel drums, one at the front axle and the other at the rear end. Roller has vibration and drives on both the drums. This roller compacts freshly placed asphalt mats to specific densities using two steel drums that vibrate to consolidate the material.

04. Combination Roller:
Combination roller has a vibrating drum on the front axle and pneumatic tires at the rear end. This compaction method is used to achieve maximum density and smoothness, while compacting asphalt road and semi-cohesive material. This roller is the most suitable for bituminous works.

05. Duplex Drum Roller (Walk behind Drum roller) :
Duplex Drum roller is capable of performing a wide range of soil and asphalt compaction applications. It has a very compact design and offers great visibility to the operator in any angle which allows precise work near to walls and sidewalks.

06. Light Tandem Roller :
This type of roller can be used for a wide range of compaction jobs. E.g. Compaction of the shoulder, approach roads and pathways. Static weight range of the roller is 0.9-1.5 ton.

Characteristics of Vibratory roller :
01. Higher compaction can be achieved.
02. Compaction can be done up to greater depth.
03. Vibrations are generated by the rotation of an eccentric shaft inside.
04. Rollers are used for compacting granular base courses and asphalt concrete work.
05. Gross weight of the roller is about 4 to 8 ton.
06. Working Speed of roller 2.0 to 6.0 km/h gives the best results.
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Available current stocks are: Sakai TW350-1, Mitsubishi BD2J, Hitachi EX35-2 ZX75US-A ZX125US ZX135US-3 ZX135US-E, Komatsu PC40MR-1F PC40MR-2 PC128US-2E1 . Sumitomo SH75U-2, Furukawa FX200-3
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